Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Monk, a Meal and a Car
My First Marriage Proposal
We Don't All Look Alike

Monday, May 26, 2008
A Tree Grows in Beijing
Also greatly improved since my last visit to Maoland is the "Squat and Spit" (two separate activities although commonly combined). The holy Chinese trinity is the Squat, Smoke and Spit (SSS). If the SSS is also playing cards, you might as well hang up your flourescent tour hats and call it a day; you've see the heart of China.
Asking for anything in China is like the inner workings of a GPS positioning system. You have to have three points of reference in order to pinpoint the right answer. Example: Ali and I searching for Song, a lounge/club in Beijing to meet up with a friend of mine.
Me (to security guard): Excuse me, do you know how we get to Song? It's in the basement of this building.
Security Guard 1: Down there (vague hand sweep covering about 270 degrees)
Me: I was told that it was downstairs
SG 1: Go as the Security Guard down there (vague hand sweep covering about 180 degrees)
Me: But how do you get downstairs? All the doors into the building are locked
SG2: Go has the Security Guard at the end
SG 3 (same question): SG2 said what? It's not back here. Go back to the front and ask the Security Guard there (SG1).
Finally, dragging SG3 and SG2 with me to SG1, we were able to figure out the entrance to Song. As it turns out there was this huge sign but the light fixture was broken so we didn't see it.